Didn't get any stamps for Christmas? ;o(
Here's your chance to own some! I ended up with duplicates of these See-D's sets when they went on clearance so I'm giving both away here on my blog.
All you have to do when commenting is click here or on the Rare Images Rubber Stamps link box on the top of the sidebar, which will bring you to the brand new RIRS blog, then just scroll down THAT sidebar to the counter and come back here and put the number in your comment line. Sounds complicated - very easy! and yes, it's a shameless ploy to make sure everyone gets to see the new blog :o)

Be sure and click on these photos for lots more detail. See-D's stamps have a sticky side that will cling to your acyrlic blocks. Just use a dense foam mat under your cs when stamping for a perfect impression.
To give you an idea of size, the dragonfly in the first set measures 2" across, and in the second set, the diamond border is 4 1/2" long.
Best of luck, and you have till Jan 2 to leave a comment, so check back on the 3rd!!!!
How did I miss your other blog??? Lisa has made some real winners with your images!
For me, following your instructions was something like walking and chewing gum....must be tricky for me. lol 000303
000308 Great new blog!
Rene' Mewes
Love the new blog, the samples are delightful.
Number for me is 000310
You've done a great job with those dogs! I must say that I love the one that uses the Bandanna technique.
Great blog 000314
Nancy, I like your dog cards on the RIRS site and your atcs also... very nice!!! The counter there says 320 right now.
Counter says 322...love the doggies, thanks for the chance...hugs, Debbie in Georgia
I love the new blog, I will go back and subscribe to it after this comment.
I was 000324 on the counter.
thanks so much for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
Not even one single stamp for Christmas... :(
I know! I can't believe it either. Guess this means more intensive training in the new year!
I was 328 over at your other digs, great ideas over there!
I'm 329 - can't wait to see more of your stamps. Meanwhile, thanks for entering me for the See D's! Tracy in Michigan, crazyforsu@aol.com
Hey Nancy, I was 333 and then when I figured out the computer aspect of this new fangled machine I was 334!! I look forward to opening up your spaceship which is your symbol on my favorites line. It is always "out of this world" HAHA just made that one up but pretty good if I must say so myself as probably no one else would!dont worry about no new stamps for Christmas...the sale is coming sooner than you think. Laurie
I am #731 on the counter. I love receiving your updates. Your work is fabulous and I love your stamp set, too. Looking forward to seeing your new releases!
Adair asvoboda@juno.com
Love your blog and fun comments on life (hair and cats) I would love to take the duplicate stamps off your hands!
Great new blog. I really like your new images, can hardly wait for the new releases.
I like See-D's product, have a couple of sets, but not the ones you're giving away. Would be fun to win!
very tricky you are!!! 420 for me!
I'm not sure how I missed all this excitement, but I definitely want your new garden sheet (i won't forget to pay you this time, I promise!!!) lol
000426 Nice samples. So many cute dogs.
thanks for giivng us all a chance.. would love to win the lovely stamps
all the best for the new year to you and yours
454 Great Blog
454 love the New Blog
As a fellow TJ-er I just love all the techniques you're featuring (the Bandana Technique on the card with the puppy was so doggone cute!!!) 000479 on the counter!
Number 483 reporting in here!
Self-promotion is A-OK, Nancy, especially given your meticulous, creative talents! You KNOW I'll keep visiting your blog!
00491 Love the stamps.
Ramblin Rose
thanks for the fun - I have to admit I did buy some (okay a lot) of stamps for myself for Christmas - but one can always use more!
Beautiful artwork here!
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